Monday, August 11, 2014

Blog Update #1--Out of Ideas? Well uh...

Lately I've been struggling with ideas of what to write/ blog about. I believe that part of the reason is due to the fact that I've been out of school for three months now, the longest drought I've ever experienced, and without much to do this summer my brain kind of shut down and only showed up a few times when it felt like it/ when it was watching Attack on Titan. I also believe it is due to a lack of creative inspiration on my part and with the coming year I'm hoping to see an increase in that.

However, I've been saying lately that my lack of ideas is due to "nothing going on" so there's "nothing to write about," which is a statement that could be further from the truth. There is a lot that I could be talking about all the time, with video game and comic book companies releasing new information and product almost everyday. Though there isn't much for me on the level of TV, that I can say firmly, there is still The Legend of Korra and a bunch of other shows that I watch, namely anime. So, how come I'm not blogging everyday?

Well first, I don't care about some, or even most, of the stuff that is put out there. I'm not going to play a game like Destiny or Titanfall so I won't blog about. Whenever I get around to finally beating Watch Dogs I'll give my thoughts on it, but for now I'll leave that where it is--unfinished. Also, the comic book industry is a large one. Currently, Batman has about an equal number of books about him as there are members of the New 52 Justice League, so how do you expect me to talk about those? I will soon give my thoughts on Jeff Lemire's run on the Green Arrow series and how he managed to save it (Komodo ya).

I take on comic books the same way I would TV shows. There are certain shows I do episode-by-episode reviews of, such as the CW's Arrow and The 100. I don't review shows that I don't have enough history with, like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones. While I am all caught up with those shows and I do feel like I'm a pretty big fan of both, the two shows have a much larger world than the shows are, well, showing because the stories have continued, there is more to them than what the show is letting on. By doing an episode-by-episode review of the shows I run the risk of looking like a complete idiot trying to make a prediction, as well as possible spoilers. With Arrow I don't feel that way, since comic book shows don't follow a specific storyline. There are few Green Arrow storylines left for the show to follow and even then I can't see them following through with it entirely faithfully.

That's why I like to review things in full, like my latest review of Moon Knight, by Brian Michael Bendis. His series was 12 issues long and got done what needed to be done. It explained Moon Knight's backstory and gave us a look ahead at what was next for the character. The same goes for my two most recent anime reviews of Fate/Zero and Black Lagoon. Unlike the shows that run on for 200+ episodes these shows were only 25 minutes long and managed to tell a rich, cohesive story within that parameter. That's not to say I don't like shows that go on forever, but, for the sake of reviewing and trying to watch and get immersed in as much anime as I can I like watching shorter anime.

So then why don't I talk about a lot of other shows that have little history about them? Well, to be honest, then I would be blogging about a lot of different things. See, outside of reviews, I only actually want to talk about a limited amount of things, and even with reviews I'd like to keep it rather contained. Regarding cinema, I'll only review super-hero movies (mostly because those are the movies that I'll actually pay money to see). For TV I'll only discuss the CW super-hero shows, and The 100, because I feel that those shows are doing it right. In comics, I don't really have a review system but if I manage to get through a series I sure will talk about it. And video games you can always count on the "Assassin's Creed" franchise. Anime is varied but usually it's just limited to reviews, unless it's AOT or DBZ, which demand respect, yo.

Outside of that, if I were to expand more on what I talked about, I feel like I would eventually lose focus of my original intent. See the stuff that I talk about is stuff that is near to me, stuff that I feel very passionately about. If I see something controversial floating around about Arrow I'll sniff it out and stick to my gut on the subject. I feel that if I were to diversify a little more then I would be like "yeah I guess that show's cool" and lose that passion I have for it.

I would also lose the opportunity to take a deeper look into most of these shows, such as how I did with Attack on Titan and it's giant metaphor of their walls being like cages that we in our lives also face. I plan on doing another one of those based on (the first half of) Sword Art Online, which is another show that I love a lot.

My blog has been about what's close to me and what I feel most passionately about. Whether or not I want to discuss it really comes down to how relevant I think it is. Like, yeah it's cool that the Batman-Superman movie is getting a release change but that's about it. That isn't as important to me as if news were to come out saying that Darth Maul were to be in the new "Star Wars" movie (which is a legit possibility, people). If I get into a new show, yeah, I'll talk about it, but if not then I might mention in it a posting or two.

In the near future I feel that I'll have a lot more to talk about. Not necessarily because almost all of the TV shows I watch are coming back but because my brain is going to have to start pumping again and so I'll probably be actually thinking for the first time in forever, so with that will come some fairly decent ideas. Maybe not as deep as that one AOT one was, but, more than just a review here and some cautious speculation on the next Avengers movie there (I have faith in the movie, I'm just not going to overhype because I did this for The Avengers and loved it, so I'm just sticking to the process that works for me). I've already got a few ideas lined up, such as my thoughts on how AOT season 2 can be done with the manga still ongoing, what my next Yu-Gi-Oh! deck will be coming into the new era, and a blog about if the concept of vampires can ever be saved.

Now I know I don't have too extensive of a fan-base so this posting really isn't going to go anywhere but I'm just saying that despite the fairly "meh" summer of ideas, what with posts being so random and never knowing when one is going to come out, that it should be coming to an end and new posts should be coming up pretty soon rather rapid-fire within the week, since, you know, school's starting and how am I going to watch my shows, do my homework (I laugh in the face of danger, hahaha!), read my comics, and blog all while remembering, "Oh crap, I have a story to write!"

Oh, I should also touch on my story. I don't talk about it because I don't really feel like I need to talk about it. I feel that if I were to talk about it that certain things would be given away and that's not fun. And I don't know how to talk about it without giving things away and without feeling awkward about it. So yeah, you'll probably never see me posting about my stories.

But I'll leave you with a list of upcoming ideas I have just as a little "sneak peak" if you will!:

-Where in the manga will AOT Season 2 take place??
-New Yu-Gi-Oh! era=Brand new deck!
-Can Vampires be saved? (Yes, just watching Hellsing/ Hellsing Ultimate!)
-A Farewell to Jeff Lemire's Green Arrow Run
-Power Rangers Jungle Fury Review'
-Who is the Arkham Knight?
-Power of Human Will (inspired by Sword Art Online episodes 1-13)

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