Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mission Space--Marvel style!

Guardians of the Galaxy was Marvel's boldest move yet, turning one of the most unknown comic franchises under its belt and throwing it on the big-screen. Luckily, it worked, and they made lots of money! And when people make money, they do more.

Just look at the money Transformers got (seriously, why do you guys keep going to see them?)

But now, the possibilities are endless. If this relatively unknown franchise can work, why not another? Why not Doctor Strange or Black Panther? Or Moon Knight?!

Heck, why not Zoidberg?

I'm looking beyond that, however. I'm looking into the Final Frontier, where no man has gone before (except for every astronaut that's gone there). I'm talking about SPACE.

Guardians takes place on Earth for all of one scene, and it's the opening scene. Since then our planet is only mentioned a few times, and you know what, I kind of liked that. It brought a very well done and welcome change to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And with the entire realm of space and the vast expanse that is the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a lot of potential for what we may see in future Marvel movies, especially since they apparently have movies they want to make fourteen years from now!

So obviously Marvel is going to continue with the Guardians franchise, as they should. Half of the cast doesn't necessarily have to worry about getting too old to play their parts as they are just voice-over roles. Not only that, but the Guardians are a constantly changing team--like the Avengers--leaving the door open for many more characters to come in and fill certain roles. Again, like the Avengers.

Do I think the Guardians will ever make it back to Earth? It depends, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. There are certain characters and events that may draw one or two of them to Earth, but for my money I'd say that we'll be seeing them mostly out in space.

Marvel has never shied away from the vastness of Space, and neither have their Earth-based super-heroes. Everyone from Iron Man to Hulk to even Nick Fury have been space-explorers at some point. Doctor Strange travels between dimensions, so I imagine he would sometimes end up in space. With that in mind, I think it would be pretty sweet to see a Tony Stark or a Bucky Barnes (guys, Steve Rogers is so gonna die in Cap 3 so I'm not even going to pretend like Steve's Cap is going to space) go out in space to kick some Kree or Skrull or Shi'ar butt. Although, I'm not sure if the Skrulls and Shi'ar are Fox or Marvel...

Anyway though, sending the Earth heroes into space would be great to see. It has to happen sometime. I wouldn't mind seeing the Guardians and some Avengers team up, but, I would prefer it to be somewhere new, like the moon Titan or heck, even the Moon.

Speaking of the Moon, that place houses a gigantic (literally) character from the Marvel universe: Uatu, the Watcher! An all-powerful being that sees all, Uatu would be one of the most interesting and awesome characters to deliver on-screen. Uatu sees everything, and therefore, he knows everything. He know secrets that our heroes may have forgotten, he knows about far-off plans that may not come to Earth for years but can see them developing. I'm pretty sure he can see into the future as well, sometimes intervening with the battles despite swearing an oath not to.

Part of the mysticism with Uatu is his knowledge of the universe and how he knows things are going to play out, and whether or not he is going to participate. I don't think he would hold up strong enough as his own main character in a movie, but as a side-character or even a plot point I think it would be interesting.

Speaking of the far-reaches of the galaxy, it makes you wonder what else Marvel has in their bag that I'm not even aware of. I've never heard of most of the Guardians' villains, like Yondu or Ronan, so I'm excited to see what they can pull from next. Maybe they'll bring us Beta Ray Bill as a nice second-Thor.

Other space-heroes Marvel has, that they shouldn't be afraid to use, are Nova and Captain Mar-Vell, who has several different iterations.

Captain Mar-Vell and Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, have eerily similar traits. Both are young men who have supernatural abilities that turn them into extremely powerful super-hero adults. Since DC has all but confirmed a Shazam movie, I'm not sure a Captain Mar-Vell movie would be the wisest move on Marvel's part. Luckily, there is another:

Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers! A member of the Avengers and new comic-associate of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ms. Marvel would serve a wonderful Marvel movie as it satisfies several different needs that Marvel has: a new Avenger Phase 3 film, a person who can interact with the Guardians and the environments of space, AND she's a girl, and it seems that most comic film companies are seeking their own female leads. Sure, some people think Black Widow could have her own movie, but, in my opinion that's too predictable. Like how it would've been too easy for them to make Ant-Man before Guardians...

Wait, that would have made PERFECT SENSE MARVEL.

Hank Pym made Ultron, not Tony Stark...I'm never letting that go.

But stupid nerd-grudges aside, I'd love to see a Carol Danvers based movie. Ms. Marvel is pretty freaking awesome, and consider her half-Kree origins, I'd pay good money to see that movie.

Recently I've gotten into the new "Nova" run that Marvel's put on, which is in my opinion one of their better new books, along with "Moon Knight" and the reboot of Spider-Man (Black Cat is supah cool). I'd like to see a Nova movie for many reasons, but the main one is how easily set-up it was by the events of Guardians.

Hey, look spoilers. Skip ahead until you see bold when I talk about the other reason a Nova movie would be cool and smart. See you then!

Given how the Nova Corps was very weakened by the attack on the planet by Ronan, I think it'd be pretty sweet to see the origins of either Richard Rider or Sam Alexander. For Phase 3, I think a Richard Rider Nova movie would be legit. You could have him finding the helmet after someone brought it over from space where he joins up with various teams and finally meets the Guardians of the Galaxy. Then in Avengers 3 he could sacrifice himself and upon this sacrifice young Sam Alexander finds his helmet and becomes the new Nova for a movie after Phase 3.

Or, just got the route that Sam Alexander takes: his father worked alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy and Nova Corps before suddenly disappearing and leaving the Nova helmet for his son, who dons the title as one of the galaxy's strongest, and youngest, defenders. It'd be a cool way to continue on the Nova Corps built by Guardians' story as well as add a new space-face for Marvel.

Spoilers are over.

More important, though, it's all about the demographics. Sam Alexander is a young teenager, which is one of the biggest demographics that goes to see these movies. Thus, by making a Sam Alexander Nova movie, you would easily appeal to that demographic and have yourself a potential franchise.

Granted, if you ruin it by throwing in crappy teenage-romance love-triangle drama stuff, then no, don't even bother. Nova is all about being thrown into space and suddenly being granted powers. Think Spider-Man but with energy blasters, interstellar travel, and more innocent humor rather than sarcasm.

Another space-face we may end up seeing, given how important he is to the overall stories involving Thanos, is Adam Warlock, but, I feel like we may be a little late in the game for that. Had he been introduced in Guardians, we would have been fine for his own movie. Now, though, I feel like he would have to be the central plot of Guardians 2 and I do not see that happening. It's unfortunate, but, I think an Adam Warlock movie would be awesome. Also, he has an Infinity Stone lodged in his forehead, so, he is a little important to the story of the Gems and the Gauntlet. Just saying.

Who knows if Marvel is going to continue their interstellar journey in the movies outside of Guardians, though? We know their next big gamble is Ant-Man but given how important that character is to the Avengers team I don't think there is much to worry about regarding profit out of that movie. Space is a fun place to make movies, if you do it right (Episode 2, looking at you), and can also bring about the MCU expanding into almost literally a universe of possibilities and crossovers.

Now if only Marvel had the rights to Venom, because Agent Venom would be amazing in the Guardians of the Galaxy. And someone tell me if Marvel or Fox owns the rights to the Skrull/ Shi'ar. Because that is mighty important in the grand scheme of things.

Also if Marvel does a Nova Corps movie better than the Green Lantern filth we got in 2011, then they pretty much win space.

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