Monday, January 5, 2015

2015, aka Toonami's Return

I know it's been back for a while now, but I feel like last year was the year that really pushed Toonami back into what it'd been before. Think about it: most of us remember watching certain shows on Toonami, such as the Big Three (Bleach, One Piece, Naruto), DBZ, and maybe some Pokemon thrown in there. When it returned, there was some good anime on there and there was the return of the Big Three, but I didn't feel as into it as I had been before.

2014 changed that for me, bringing in very popular shows and some pretty dang awesome ones as well. They fed the crowd with Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online, but also gave us the ever-amazing Black Lagoon and we finally got to see the conclusion of Hellsing Ultimate. Plus, there was the continued tradition of movies in December. Overall, it felt like Toonami was back, and that it was here for a long time again.

That's what this year is for. This year, in my opinion, Toonami is going to get even stronger. Heck, it may even push into earlier time-slots so I'm not staying up all night trying to watch some good anime. I hope so, at least. We're getting the continued run of DBZ Kai as well as the return (in HD) of Cowboy Bebop) and the return of Deadman Wonderland, which is actually a show I started watching when Toonami came back on, but I would occasionally doze off and wake up in the middle of an episode of Casshern Sins and be very confused as to what was going on.

It might just be me and my pipe-dreams, but it feels like anime is on the rise, somehow, in the United States again as it was back when I was a child and Toonami was at its peak. The return of DBZ to the big-screen, and Naruto coming to the big screen as well, may help further that. But it's always been Toonami that pushes it forward, that gives anime the most exposure.

So, this year is hopefully going to be a big year for Toonami. They haven't announced too much as far as what new shows are coming up, but I'm expecting some pretty big ones. They seem to show a lot of Aniplex anime, so, I'm holding out for Fate/Zero.

A little part of me is also telling me to beg for Fairy Tail to come on Toonami, and I agree with that little part of me. The problem, though, is that it already has four long-running shows in its line-up, and by the time Fairy Tail premieres it'll be at, or beyond maybe, it's 175th episode. That's a lot of show to put on the air. So, I can live without it, and would like to see some other shows get their moment in the spotlight, or just really great shows that people always talk about but don't really get the chance to watch due to limited availability.

Like Code Geass or Death Note. Now that would be awesome.

This year opens up a great amount of windows to the segment and I expect them to take full-advantage of it. They're coming off an awfully strong year as far as quality goes, and it really does not look like they're slowing down anytime soon. Plus, T.O.M. is still awesome. Sure, they don't have little shorts where he's fighting off monsters (nor is he constantly changing form), but who cares? It's freaking T.O.M.

If you want to stay up to date on when I post, be sure to follow me on Twitter @seanovan13 and on Instagram @seanovan10. Thanks for reading!

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