Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Blue Nexus #65 - Clarke's Crusade

            A red light filled the sky for just a moment before the sun appeared between the trees of Magus Forest. Brenda watched it, but didn’t blink. It filled her with at first an overwhelming sense of cold, and then a hint of rage dashed across her. She closed and opened her fists, and inspected the area around her. Few, besides those preparing for Rafael’s return, had actually been awake and it did not seem as if any of them noticed the flash.
            Brenda couldn’t shake a strong sensation, either, as if there were another force all around her that she couldn’t see. It sparked with the flash and subsided slightly in the ensuing moments, but didn’t leave since. It had to be one of the Six Pillars or Rafael—who else in the world was capable of such an energetic output? But which one, and why? More importantly, how come none of the other denizens of Magus Forest paid it any attention?

            She returned to her tent and changed out of her night clothes. She slid into more comfortable clothing before reconciling to the idea that she was headed into battle. She changed her pants to leggings and tied her hair back a bit. She reemerged into the village center and started with a jog, headed for the southern exit of the forest.
            Her pace quickened the farther into the forest she got. She cast a small square in front of her and leapt aboard, shooting through the trees much faster than before. She reared up when someone else stepped out of the shadows.
            “Do you recognize it?” the Grand Elder asked. “What all that magic power is?”
            “It’s too far to tell,” Brenda said.
            “It’s Shield magic,” the Grand Elder said. “The Pillar of the Shield calls to you. You’ve met her once before, when you fought the Pillar of Power.”
            Clarke. The name sent chills across Brenda’s body. She’d been enough to stop Robbie, who absolutely demolished Brenda. She should’ve known right then and there that Clarke was a Shield mage, given how much red she had on, but then again she was being beaten into the dirt. Her mind hadn’t been in its optimal state.
            “Why is that only I can sense it, though?” Brenda asked.
            “Ah, that’s Rafael’s manipulative hand,” the Grand Elder said. “Or perhaps the Pillar of Reality is aiding her. Regardless, the motive is clear.”
            “It’s a trap,” Brenda said.
            “One you can’t avoid,” the Grand Elder said. “Will you contact your friends?”
            “No,” Brenda said. “I have to go alone, and you cannot tell anyone.”
            “She’s powerful, Shindari,” the Grand Elder said. “Perhaps more so than you.”
            “We’ll find out,” Brenda said. She sighed.
            “You aren’t going there to fight, though,” the Grand Elder guessed. She always had been able to see through Brenda. “You’re going for reconnaissance.”
            “I understand now how three of the six operate,” Brenda said. “If I can learn how powerful Clarke is, and how she uses her magic, we may gain an upper hand against them.”
            “We?” the Grand Elder asked.
            “The Zanderia have to confront this threat soon,” Brenda said. “And it’s wiser for us to know how our enemy operates rather than going in blind.”
            “And what happens if you do come into combat with Clarke?” the Grand Elder asked. “What if the Zanderia cannot come?”
            “Then at least they’ll have a gauge of how powerful she is,” Brenda said. “If I’m alive or dead, they’re going to know how powerful she is.”
            The Grand Elder stepped aside and revealed the clear path out of the forest ahead of Brenda. The Shield mage sighed and nodded to the Grand Elder, who had a ghost of a smile touching her face. Brenda reconstructed a platform and leapt atop it, then pushed herself through the forest and swung up into the sky.
            Clarke’s magical presence became exponentially greater when she burst from the veil of Magus Forest. Clarke also noticed the pull it had, as if dragging her toward her destination. Brenda grew worried the closer she got. The power only seemed to grow, and yet she knew that Clarke was so far off.
            Something in her back pocket buzzed. She created another barrier around her, to cut off the wind, and pushed harder on the barrier to combat the wind resistance. With a tap to the communicator she heard Riko’s voice.
            “Shindari, are you there?” he asked. “Please respond immediately.”
            “I was in Magus Forest,” Brenda said. “Apologies.”
            “And I assume your departure means you know something is awry,” Riko said.
            “If only it were that simple,” Brenda said. “I know one of the Six Pillars is up to something, but I don’t know what yet. I’m headed there now.”
            “Do you want backup?” Riko asked.
            “No,” Brenda said, rather quickly. “No, I’m going for reconnaissance right now. I’ll call in help when I go back for the real fight.”
            “You may need to hurry that along,” Riko said. “Rome’s being held hostage.”
            “What?” Brenda asked.         
            “Not the entire city,” Riko said. “Just a significant portion. From what we can see it stems from the Colosseum and goes on for dozens of blocks in all directions.”
            “Held hostage?” Brenda asked. “How?”
            “There’s a great red dome that’s sealed that chunk of the city off,” Riko said. “Nobody and nothing has been able to get access. I haven’t tried myself, but I imagine that’s something you may know more about taking down.”
            “How is one mage so powerful?” Brenda thought aloud.
            “My thoughts exactly,” Riko said. “Which is why I’ll come with you for backup. Together we can take it down and more than likely overpower the Shield Pillar.”
            “Still no,” Brenda said. “This is a trap for me. If I bring anyone else, it may force Clarke’s hand to call on the other Pillars. At that point it’s an ambush that we couldn’t possibly win.”
            “What if it’s an ambush to get you alone with the other six?” Riko asked.
            Brenda hadn’t thought of it. Whatever idiotic part of her brain she tried to often keep quiet must’ve taken over that morning. Of course it was an ambush laying in wait for her. No doubt that shield was constructed with both Shield and Reality magic to make it seem impenetrable. Perhaps Robbie even reinforced it with Power magic. They were going to dismantle the Zanderia one hero at a time, starting with their mage. Damn it.
            “Then they won’t pull a ploy like this again, they’ll have played their hand,” Brenda said. “But let me go on this, Riko. Don’t send anyone else.”
            “Shindari, I can’t let you go alone,” Riko said.
            “No, but you will,” Brenda said. “I’m sorry.”
            “You better live to apologize to my face,” Riko said. “Make sure it’s just recon. Stay away from anyone else, you hear me?”
            “I’ll do my best,” Brenda lied, and tapped the communicator again. She propelled herself further along, reaching her top speed. She still had several hours to go before reaching Rome. She’d hoped it be somewhere a bit closer, perhaps somewhere in the United States.
            She sat down cross-legged on the platform and shut her eyes. She placed her hands on the platform around her and started her meditation. Her entire body sang back to her, as each bit of magical power that drained from her got immediately replenished and focused back into her core.
            Clarke’s magical power seemed to surround her cube entirely, as if some sort of rain poured down around it. Brenda focused inward, keeping her breathing steady and her mind only on the power she had immediate control over. She could not longer feel the rush of the air or the speed with which she flew. It all collapsed around her and was silenced.
            She raised her hands and thin veils of magic, like strings around her fingers, rose as well. She pressed them together slowly, then separated her hands and allowed the power to sift around her. When she brought her hands down again, she returned her focus to the slow moving waft in front of her. Without muttering a word and with just a single thought, Brenda melded the shape of the magic, from a physical sphere into an intangible platform.
            The deluge of Clarke’s power battered against Brenda’s cube when she opened her eyes and saw land again. By then, Brenda had surrounded the magical area with an ether of floating magic. She stood and allowed it all to seep back into her body, refreshing her. She opened her eyes and saw a flash of red in her reflection. One more boost pushed her along and she leaned her body back ever so slightly to head southeast in the proper direction.
            The push against her cleared some, and any time Brenda veered a bit off the path it would return. Brenda smirked. She wondered how much Clarke thought she could actually steer Brenda toward Rome. Did she think so low of her, or was she so worried Brenda would miss the enormous power looming to the east?
            The barrier became visible behind a rise and Brenda lowered the shield around her. The barrier, unlike Brenda’s magic, was a much darker shade of red. She approached slowly, noticing that the dome appeared much more hollow than it actually would be. Dozens of people down below had their cars pressed against it, and scores of police officers and news reporters swarmed the city streets. The humdrum filled Brenda’s ears, until it was overtaken with cries of people.
            She took one quick glance down and saw how many were now staring up at her and waving, either to her or to the dome. She pointed at it and nodded, and the gesture was met with overall cheers.
            Brenda reached out and placed her hand on the dome. She stepped away as the shock snapped back at her. Tentatively, she held her hand out again. The tug was even stronger, but it wasn’t at her physical body as much as it was her magical power. Brenda created a barrier between her hands and pressed it against the barrier Clarke erected. When she did, a strange sound emitted. And the feeling between her fingers was so…strange.
            She created a second barrier and held it out father away, and saw that it did little to either barrier. There was no sound coming from them, and Brenda realized that it was no sound, it was a low-frequency vibration. She dropped both barriers, then slammed her magic-coated fists against the barrier. A chunk of it fell of and she slipped inside, tumbling down onto a rooftop.
            Brenda shot her own square up to patch the hole in the barrier before Clarke’s could naturally heal. She created a small coat around her to protect herself, too. If not, her power would be drained. Just as it’d been no doubt eating away at the latent energy within all humans. If Clarke had been at this for a while…Brenda tried not to think of how it would start affecting the life force of the people within the dome.
            She rushed toward the building across the way and bounded up the wall, stopping at the rooftop. The Colosseum, truly massive, intimidated her at first look. Upon second look, it was Clarke standing near the structure that intimidated her. Brenda took a look around the streets, checking them for civilians. As loud as outside the barrier had been, it was as quiet within. Brenda wondered if there were some sort of Reality magic at play, it was impossible for it to be this quiet. Only outer space had this level of silence.
            One more look around verified the safety to move and she did, but took a dive off the building and landed safely on the streets. A shudder ran up her spine when she heard whispers. Yes, people were off the streets, but not entirely to safety. That would be impossible while they remained trapped, but staying to the extremities would be wisest. She turned and saw a family of four huddled in the corner.
            “Get near the dome,” Brenda said. “Stay near cover.”
            She jogged across the street, still a few blocks away from the Colosseum. She told the same to any she ran across. Once she was in clear sight of the building she took to the skies, levelling out with Clarke.
            The woman had a red cloak on and her deep red hair laid across her chest. Her arms were crossed and small sparks of magic leapt off her fingers. She stood on a platform, a thick one, to keep herself afloat. Brenda flew with her own power. Clarke gestured at Brenda and the two flew a bit until they stood atop the actual building, about ten feet across from one another.
            “So at what point is everyone else going to jump out at me?” Brenda asked. “Let’s just skip to it.”
            “If any of the others are here I’ll be happy to kill them and see them replaced,” Clarke said. Her voice was still so cold, so full of malice, even toward her people. “This is personal.”
            “We’ve never really met,” Brenda said.
            “No,” Clarke said. “Which might be a shame. It seems we’re the only ones worth getting into a fight. All your friends are too weak and my allies are just too much for this world to handle anymore. The way I see it is I’m lucky I get to challenge you before anyone else.” She shrugged. “Except Robbie, but Rafael was giving strict orders to keep you alive.”
            “And he let you run free?” Brenda asked.
            Clarke uncrossed her arms. “Sure. I’m sort of off the books right now.”
            “Rafael trusts you that much?” Brenda asked.
            “I don’t trust any of them implicitly…anymore,” Clarke said. She rolled her eyes at that last bit. “Rafael broke that trust when he went behind all of us to see you.”
            “How would you know about that?”
            “He told us. Gloated. Said he might’ve convinced you to join up with us,” Clarke said. Her eyes narrowed and Brenda sensed a spike in the pressure within the dome. “And probably replace me.”
            “Good thing for you that I don’t intend to replace you,” Brenda said.
            “I don’t care if you don’t want to, he’ll make you,” Clarke said. “He has the two greatest manipulators in the galaxy on his side, and he is a god. What can stop Rafael from turning you to his side, from making you a weapon…or shield, more appropriately?”
            “So that’s it, then?” Brenda asked. “You’re worried about me replacing you? And you don’t even trust him! Then why follow him?”
            “Follow him?” Clarke asked. “I don’t necessarily follow him.”
            “You’re listening to his orders to keep me alive,” Brenda said. “You and Robbie, and probably Axel when he attacked that encampment.”
            “They certainly were, and they’ve followed every order from that man’s head,” Clarke said. “I’ve only done the one, to make sure you stayed alive so I could kill you. That was before he showed himself to you, before he just cast me aside as I were nothing. He thinks me lesser than you, some off-worlder?”
            Clarke’s fists shook and the dome overhead trembled. Brenda squinted her eyes and took a step back, keeping her feet firmly on the surface below in case Clarke made any sudden moves. The other Shield mage calmed just a bit, but her eyes glowed a furious, deep red.
            “Looks like you just can’t wait to attack,” Brenda said.
            “I’m surprised you’re still doing so well,” Clarke said. “Even with that pathetic little veil you’ve got up, my magic should be working.”
            “How is that possible?” Brenda asked.
            Clarke gestured at the dome. “Simple, it’s the perfection of our magic. Shield mages aren’t able to just protect their allies, they can also crush their enemies. While a wall can keep someone protected on the inside, it can serve just as well as a cage, whittling away at life until there is simply no more left. That is what we are meant to be, and yet you’re still so far from that. I am the ultimate Shield mage.”
            “Maybe,” Brenda said. “But if you were the ultimate Shield mage, why would you let some Divine mage boss you around?”
            “He won’t for much longer,” Clarke said. She clenched her fists and two constructs appeared from behind her. “Once I kill you, I’ll steal all the power you have left and destroy Rafael and the Six Pillars.”
            “And what, conquer the world?” Brenda asked.
            “I don’t care about conquest,” Clarke said. “I care about making sure there’s nobody better than me. Starting with you.”
            Clarke lurched forward and Brenda conjured two barriers, but Clarke’s laugh told Brenda she’d made a mistake. Instead, Clarke opened her fists and shockwaves burst up Brenda’s body. She screamed as intangible magic spikes shot through her body. Clarke gunned across the way and kicked Brenda into the Colosseum, then compounded her into the dirt with another barrier, gnawing away at her power.
            It took Brenda two swings to break free. Clarke leapt down and tried to crush Brenda beneath another barrier. Brenda swung away and slid a bit on her knees. She wiped away the dirt from her eyes. Clarke gave her no reprieve. Brenda forced a small shield into her hands and blocked Clarke’s fist, sending a wave of sheer force around the Colosseum. The tonnage of the blow shook the building, and Brenda heard whimpers all around her.
            “NO!” she exclaimed, and tried to attack Clarke. She missed and Clarke elbowed her away. Brenda spun and crashed a barrier from behind against Clarke. She caught herself in flight and punched Clarke into the sky. She cast a shield around the Colosseum’s inside, blocking anybody from accessing the fighting pit.
            Clarke crashed down near Brenda, sending dirt everywhere. Brenda swiped free and Clarke reappeared just in front of her, looking like a madwoman. Her red aura flared all around her, crackling in the air. Brenda avoided her attack and pushed Clarke against her construct with another shield. Clarke dropped back, laying on the ground for a second before spinning her legs and getting back to her feet.
            She brushed the dirt off.
            “Not too bad,” Clarke said.
            Brenda took a few steps back, seeming cowardly but trying to anticipate Clarke’s next move. Hairs stood on the back of her neck and she leapt up. Some red flares danced across the ground she’d just stood on.
            “Won’t be fooled by that twice,” Brenda said.
            “Don’t need you to be,” Clarke said, pulling one arm toward her. Brenda was just fast enough to turn and blocked one of the constructs Clarke created before the fight, but wasn’t strong enough to fully block the other. Clarke came up behind Brenda, wrapped her arm around her neck, and flung her into the ground, then crushed her once again.
            Brenda broke free from beneath the magic, sighing. Clarke wasn’t that strong compared to Robbie. In fact, he could probably break free through Clarke’s barriers as he did Brenda. Clarke was just that much smarter than he…and probably Brenda. Reconnaissance. Yeah, right.
            Clarke attacked without another word. Brenda matched her speed and power, parrying Clarke’s blow before landing one of her own in Clarke’s cheek. She tried to rear up her leg for a kick but Clarke blocked it and pushed Brenda into the sky. Brenda caught herself and shot two constructs down toward Clarke, who evaded them with ease, skirting around the edge of the fighting pit. Brenda remained airborne.
            “It’s a shame you can’t fly,” Brenda said.
            “It’s a shame you left me with so much magic!” Clarke exclaimed.
            Brenda raised an eyebrow. Clarke slid to a halt and rested a hand on Brenda’s construct. No. Brenda dropped down fast and rocketed towards Clarke, pulling back her fist. The wall around the inside turned deep red, and Brenda was defenseless against the scores of thick magic shards about to rip through her.
            She stopped, and with a yell, created a powerful barrier all around her. Clarke’s magic downpour bounced off, but shook Brenda to the core. She strained to keep the defenses up. Her body screamed to stop, just to let go. When the pressure was off, she dropped part of the defense and Clarke was right on top of her.
            Brenda gritted her teeth and punched through Clarke’s attack, crashing her fist against Clarke’s nose, shattering it. Clarke soared back but Brenda caught her, whipping her around with another construct and punishing her into the ground. Clarke blasted Brenda back, and the two caught themselves on the ground.
            “You dirty bitch,” Clarke said.
            “You manipulated my spell,” Brenda said.
            “Your magic is my magic, Shindari,” Clarke said. “That’s a gap that you will never cross. I have you beat. Go ahead and try to use my dome against me. Try and catch my spells. They’ll only harm you, shock you and break you until there’s nothing left. Then, when there’s no magic left in you, I will out-muscle you in both physical strength and magical abilities. This isn’t a fight you’ll win.” Clarke spun her finger around in the sky. “And it’s not like you can escape this, either. You’re trapped, just as you thought. But it won’t take Six Pillars to kill you.”
            “Damn,” Brenda said. She spat blood. “Really didn’t want to get taken out by some child.”
            “A child?” Clarke asked. She raised an open palm. Static leapt off. “I am a god.”
            “All gods are children,” Brenda said. She readied herself for a burst of magic. “That’s why they think they’re so much better than they are.”
            Clarke shouted, but held back when a resounding boom echoed across the Colosseum. A large chunk of the dome overhead shattered and was replaced by another section, just as Brenda had done, and a figure dropped between Clarke and Brenda rather gracefully.
            “Back away, Shield Pillar,” the stranger said. The dust around him settled, and Brenda recognized him after a couple blinks.
            “Nice to see you again, Oz,” Brenda said.
            The mysterious mage nodded but didn’t turn and face Brenda. “Don’t worry about Clarke, Shindari, I’ll handle this fight. Please take down this dome and get all the people within it to safety.”
            “I’d rather you didn’t.”
            Brenda couldn’t help the chills this time. A flash of golden light, some golden dust, and Rafael appeared before them as if stepping through a portal. Clarke’s eyes even widened. He didn’t acknowledge her, instead he flicked his wrist and forced Oz back. Oz did the same and Rafael grunted, taking a step back.

            “I’ll ensure he doesn’t interrupt you two again,” Rafael said. “Please, continue.” He smiled. “Winner stays, and loser will be the first to taste the sheer terror my wrath can bring.”
            “You’ll have no wrath to bring!” Oz shouted, and let all his magic power pour out of him. Brenda could only be amazed for a second before Clarke ripped through the air and tried to attack. Brenda blocked and parried with her own shield, forcing Clarke back and re-engaging her in the open air as a bright red light once again filled her vision. 

Next time: Brenda vs. Clarke and Rafael vs. Oz...and one more surprise combatant! Clarke's power begins to escape, and the dangerous truth of what it means to have the ultimate power of a Shield mage starts to leak out in "Blue Nexus #66 - Rivals"!

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