Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Blog Update: Summer 2018

It's that good ol' time of year again: when the Sun is scorching, the beaches are full, and when you really just don't want to get in your car that's been basking in sunlight for the last eight hours. Also all the kids are on break so hey, no school, tons of fun.

But it is not just the schools that are summer break this year, it's also this blog! Much as it does pain me to stop a good train while it's rolling, I also think it'd be insane for me to put out what I normally would over the next two months. I think that by the time we'd need to kick things into high gear again I would be creatively bankrupt and that just sounds terrible.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Comic Book Reviews - June 13, 2018

During an odd in-between of coming down from E3 hype and ramping up for the FIFA World Cup, we have an excellent week of comics that allow villains-turned-heroes(?) to take the spotlight and for FLASH WAR to be just as hype as ever. Also Mister Miracle is back so we can all be happy and confsued together again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Blue Nexus #88 - The Shore

Previously on: "Blue Nexus": Lacrosse season has begun, off to a fairly decent start for Kyle and Andreus, who have been absolutely prohibited from using magic and keep a close eye on one another. Kyle, though, still suffers from the battle with the interdimensional monster, the Starlan, and cannot access his Nexus abilities. At a party after the game, Ven, Kyle's new alien girl friend, started drinking and Kyle encountered a young member of the villain organization, the Toxics. After a heated discussion, Ven attacked him in a drunken stupor and Kyle, trying to stop her, took a bit of a tumble down a steep cliff, leaving the fate of the party, and Ven, unknown. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Comic Book Review - June 6, 2018

In a pedestrian week of comics, is it possible that one can rise up as a diamond in the rough? Will it be Green Arrow? Of course it'll be Green Arrow.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Bloodborne (Comic) Review

It's rare to see a video-game adaptation succeed in any medium, particularly in movies. Little faith can ever be placed in something transferring mediums, and it oddly enough seems that one of the more difficult things to translate can be within the realm of visual media. But you'd think that translating a video-game to film could be easier than translating it to comic form, where images aren't moving and the reader has no agency in the story. However, where most "adaptations" succeed is not with directly redoing what the video-game has done, but expanding upon it. Such is the case with Titan Comic's Bloodborne.